Early Career Researcher
Interest Group

The Early Career Researcher (ECR) interest group aims to provide a dedicated network to promote interactions between ECRs and senior researchers in psycho-oncology.

Our group enable members to be more actively involved in setting and implementing PoCoG’s research and organisational agenda and collaborative research activities.

The group will also help PoCoG develop resources to support ECRs working in psycho-oncology.

Activities and resources include:

  • Dedicated Concept Development Workshops to encourage the development and implementation of new and innovative research studies in psycho-oncology

  • Special seminars or discussion sessions on topics relevant for ECRs

  • An ECR interest group email forum or blog

  • Opportunities for peer support and social gatherings

  • Updates on training, initiatives or awards relevant to ECRs in psycho-oncology

The leaders of this group are Dr Nienke Zomerdijk and Dr Emma Kemp.